There is always something for you at Hikari.
Click that button and let us know in advance
if you’re planning a visit.
We’ll have a small gift for you when you arrived 🙂
日曜日の礼拝時間 (Sunday Service) – AM 11:15
住所/ Address: 13100 N Haggerty Rd Suite 110, Plymouth, MI 48170
Hikari is meeting on the 3rd floor of the building adjacent to Mile City Church.
Please go through the main door (with many flags) and
follow the signs down the corridor.

Entrance to Hikari. You’ll see many flags.
How to get to Hikari’s space.
よくあるご質問 / FAQs
子供はどうすればいいのですか? What should I do with my kid(s)?
礼拝って何するの? What do you do during "worship service."
We sing 3-4 worship songs and you’ll listen to stories based on the Bible. The whole thing takes about an hour. The Bible messege is easy to understand and applicable to your daily life.
何を着ていけばいいのですか? What shall I wear?
There is no specific dress code. Just come as you are! People are usually dressed casual.
お金はかかるのですか? Do I have to pay money?
Everything is free. There is a time to take offering during the service, but this is completely voluntary.
礼拝が終わったら何かありますか? Is there something after the service?
After service, we provide light snacks and coffee / tea. Sometimes we go all out and prepare nice deserts too! So if you have time after the service, we’ll love for you to hang out with us!
私は信者になる予定はないのですが、聖書がどんな本か興味があります。それでもいいですか? I'm not interested in becoming a believer, but I'm interested in learning the Bible. Is that okay?
Yes, of course! Just by attending Sunday service, you’ll start getting a good picture of what the Bible is all about.
Email: info@hikaricity.com
Phone: (734) 386-0153